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News and Insights: Getting Off the Higher Education Finance See-Saw

By Jane Wellman A college education is one of the best investments a California family can make. A diploma from one of our public universities remains one of the greatest opportunities many families have to make a good living and contribute to a prosperous future. Many people are rightly concerned that this opportunity is increasingly…

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Privacy of Personal Information The Higher Education Finance Reform initiative is a project of College Futures Foundation (the “Foundation”). The Foundation is committed to the responsible use of personal information collected from and about grantees, students, staff, business partners and others who provide such information to us and to compliance with both state and federal…

News and Insights: California’s Public Universities Need Shared Metrics for Better Understanding and Decision-Making

Recent public opinion research shows an alarming trend of growing public mistrust of our nation’s colleges and universities—a mistrust sparked by increases in tuitions and the perception of eroding value of higher education. California is not immune to this problem; research by the David Binder group for College Futures Foundation in particular has found growing…

Resource: Paying for Space: A Brief Framing the Issues and Opportunities in Capital Finance for Higher Education in California

Download The debate about how much it will cost to ensure that California’s public higher education systems can meet all students’ needs often focuses on the funds needed for regular operations—items like employee salaries, benefits, and other regular operating costs. But there is another massive expense looming on the horizon: an immense and pressing need…